Terms and Conditions

Guangzhou changqing leather co., ltd. (changqing leather) invites you to read these Terms and Conditions of Service carefully to fully understand changqing leather’s Website and utilise changqing leather’s Services. By using changqing leather’s Website and Services, you accept the following Terms and Conditions of Service. Therefore, changqing leather advises you to refrain from using changqing leather’s Website and Services if at any point you think these Terms and Conditions of Service cannot be accepted from your side. changqing leather’s Terms and Conditions of Service applies to the Services provided through changqing leather’s Website, mobile applications, or software provided by changqing leather. Changqing leather may revise these Terms and Conditions of Service at any time without notice to you. Should you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions of Service, please do not hesitate to Contact Us. 


Guangzhou changqing leather co., ltd. (changqing leather) is the leading platform for offering design and development, prototyping and production services of good quality handbags, wallets, backpack and functional bags for brands, designers and retailers globally. Changqing leather also provides an online wholesale store of handbags and purses for those who want to start a handbag business, which can be purchased through the wholesale section of our website.  In addition, retailing handbags is available for the customers who recognize our brand more.


Unless otherwise indicated in these Terms and Conditions of Services, the following definitions shall apply:

  • “changqing leather” and/or “Company/ Factory” means Guangzhou changqing leather co., ltd., a limited liability company registered in Guangzhou, CHINA and our head office is located at 77# Shiling Road Central ,Shiling Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou City,
  • “Client” means any person or company wishing to place an order with changqing leather or requesting any of the other Services offered by changqing leather;
  • “User” means an account created via the changqing leather Website. changqing leather reserves the right to approve or reject a user account or revoke an account that was previously approved, without prior notice.


changqing leather will make any possible effort to limit any downtime, however changqing leather reserves the right to withdraw or amend the Services provided on the Website without notice. changqing leather will not be liable if for any reason the Website is unavailable at any time or for any period.


changqing leather aims to update the Website regularly, and may change the content at any time. If the need arises, changqing leather may suspend access to the Website, or close it indefinitely. Any of the material on the Website (including products on wholesale and retail store etc.) may be out of date at any given time, and changqing leather is under no obligation to update such material.


changqing leather owns all the licensees of all the material published on the changqing leather Web site, including designs, styles, images, graphics, logos, etc. There are protected by international copyright laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved.

All the information and quotations you receive from changqing leather Services are for your personal reference and you may draw the attention of others within your organisation to material posted on changqing leather Website and received from changqing leather .

You must not distribute this information outside your organisation, without changqing leather’s written authorization. You must not use any part of the materials on changqing leather’s Website for commercial purposes without obtaining changqing leather’s written authorization.

You must not use any part of the material on changqing leather’s Website to produce copies.


In accordance with changqing leather’s Privacy Policy, any information or technology shared by the Client and necessary to enable changqing leather to deliver the Services (e.g. run consultancy sessions, design collections, manufacture the Goods etc.) will be taken under changqing leather’s custody and not shared with third Parties except changqing leather’s partners that may be required for delivering the Services.


Access to changqing leather’s Website is free of charge, except for the sections related to products on wholesale and retail store and any membership options. In this case, access is charged according to the course or product cost specified on the website. Prices may change at any time as per changqing leather’s requirements.


changqing leather processes information about you in accordance with our Privacy Policy. By using the Website, you consent to such processing and you warrant that all data provided by you is accurate.


  1. Design to be finalized and confirmed when the project begins by client. If there is any minor change in the design during the bag sample making process, it can add up to 1days to the estimated delivery date. Major changes can add up to 4 days or more and there may be additional costs involved.
  2. Any modifications from the initial tech pack that might result in changing the paper patternwill have an additional cost.
  3. Only after all the details have been confirmed will the final samples go into development.
  4. All development time estimates are subject to approvals from the client side.                                     
  5. Materialsor hardware available in market will be procured for prototyping.
  6. If the client's logoor hardware needs to be molded, there may be additional costs involved.
  7. All timelines are tentative and may change due to lock downs or force majeure.
  8. All Materials and hardwareare subject to availability and generic. Any special material or hardware to be used in prototype as per client’s specifications or request must be supplied by client.
  9. Working hours are from Beijing time 9:00AM to 6:00 PM from Monday – Saturday. All correspondence will be held between this period, there may be delays in response due to national holidays or weekends.
  10. Full/Partial payment is considered as confirmation of order.
  11. All prototypes cannot be perfect in all aspects in comparison to commercial product. Any minor colour variation or defects on leather are natural and must be acceptable. Always there will be room for improvement after the prototype until commercial production.
  12. Any paper pattern, accessories or metal mould created for you or any handbagsamples sent by you will be kept for 1 year after dispatch of the prototype samples.
  13. Any paperpattern developed for the project is a property of Guangzhou changqing leather co., ltd. and would not be given to client after project completion. All branding logos and logo or hardware mold that client has paid additional money for can be returned to client if requested within 1 year of project completion.



A User Account is created when the User purchases one of the changqing leather’s products available on the Website or when someone subscribes to certain marterials.

Changqing leather reserves the right to approve or reject a user account or revoke an account that was previously approved, without prior notice.

Changqing leather services are not available to minors of 18 years old.


You must not misuse changqing leather’s Website by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to changqing leather’s Website, the server on which our site is stored or any server, computer or database connected to our site. You must not attack changqing leather’s Website via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of service attack.

By breaching this provision, you would commit a criminal offence under the Computer Crimes Ordinance published by the Government of CHINA.

Changqing leather will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and changqing leather will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, your right to use our website will cease immediately.

Changqing leather will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a distributed denial-of-service attack, viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of our site or to your downloading of any material posted on it, or on any website linked to it.


Where changqing leather’s Website contains links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for your information only. changqing leather has no control over the contents of those Websites or resources, and accept no responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them. When accessing a site via changqing leather’s Website we advise you check their terms of use and privacy policies to ensure compliance and determine how they may use your information.


The products displayed on changqing leather’s Website are documented with the best accuracy possible (high-definition of pictures, accuracy of the technical details, prices etc.). However, it is not guaranteed to be error-free. If you have any doubt or clarification request, changqing leather recommends you to use the Contact Us page to get in touch with our team.

Changqing leather shall not be liable for any loss, loss of profit, damage, costs, expenses or other claims in any amount outstanding the payments made by the Client. The completion dates are estimates, and changqing leather shall not be deemed to be in any breach, or otherwise liable to the Client, for delays in manufacturing or delivery.


The FAQ page provides general guidelines on MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity), Lead Times, Product Pricing, Packaging, etc. These numbers are to be considered estimations and may be subject to change once an changqing leather Sales Representatives learns more about the Client’s project. Only then changqing leather can provide a more accurate quotation. Changqing leather reserves the right to change the figures contained in the FAQ page at any time and without prior notice.


Chinese law shall apply to the contract. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this contract, in particular its conclusion, interpretation, performance, breach, termination or invalidity, shall be finally settled by the courts of CHINA which will have exclusive jurisdiction.


Changqing leather will not be responsible in any manner for any loss or damage occurring as a result of forces beyond its control, including, without limitation, natural catastrophe, war, pestilence, labor dispute, telecommunications disruption, or any other matter, cause or thing which such parties do not directly control.


Changqing leather, changqingleather.net, the logo of Guangzhou changqing leather co., ltd. all images and text, and all page headers, custom graphics and button icons are service marks, trademarks and/or trade dress of changqing leather. All other trademarks, product names and company names or logos cited herein are the property of their respective owners.


Every effort has been made to locate the owners of copyrighted material, or their heirs or assigns, to seek permission to reproduce those images whose copyright does not reside with Guangzhou changqing leather co., ltd.. We are grateful to the individuals and institutions who have assisted in this task. Any omissions are entirely unintentional and we would be grateful for any information that would allow us to correct any errors or omissions.


If you have any concerns about material which appears on changqing leather Website or require any additional information or clarification, please use the Contact Us page.


By using changqing leather’s Services or accession the changqing leather Website, you acknowledge that you have read these Terms and Conditions of Service and agree to be bound by them.

Updated November 30th, 2022